Parent Group Resources
PTA Resources
For PTA Support Contact:
Becca Marks- Anderson: leadership@23rddistrict.org
For more information visit: http://toolkit.capta.org/
Learn More: Family Center and PSUSD
Family Engagement Framework
A Tool for California School Districts. Click here to open framework.
Family Engagement Handbook
Family Center Newsletter
PSUSD Academies
Rancho Mirage High School
CAFE Academy
RACE Academy
Work Based Learning
Desert Hot Springs High School Academies
REAL Academy
PSA Academy
Media Design/ Video Pathway
Work Based Learning
Palm Springs High School Academies
MMM Academy
PALM Academy
Arts Institute
Manufacturing / Welding Academy
Work Based Learning
Cathedral City High School Academies
DATA Academy
HEAL Academy
Robotics/ MESA Pathways
Work Based Learning
PSUSD Covid-19 Cases
The purpose of this data is to provide our PSUSD families and staff with a summary of campus COVID-19 cases. An active case indicates that a student or staff member participating in on-campus instruction has tested positive for COVID-19 infection. Any students or staff members who have a direct exposure to a positve case are notified directly from our Supervising Nurse. For more information on notification protocols, see our endemic guides: COVID-19 Endemic Safety Guide | COVID-19 Endemic Safety Guide Spanish. Once the case is cleared to return it is no longer considered an active case and the case is removed from the dashboard count. Click here to learn more.
22/23 English-Parent and Family Engagement Policy by Family Center
Publicly Reported Data
California School Dashboard - https://caschooldashboard.org
- This is the official state accountability reporting website.
- Although the dashboard reporting was not completed for 2020 and 2021 due to the pandemic, there are links in the system to other reporting sites for various data points.
- Test results can be filtered to show a wide range of student groups.
DataQuest - https://data1.cde.ca.gov/dataquest/
- DataQuest is the main data reporting site for the California Department of Education. The site provides detailed reports on a variety of topics, including graduation rates, suspension rates, and enrollment information.
- DataQuest also provides links to other state public reporting sites.
- Test results can be filtered to show a wide range of student groups.
CAASPP and ELPAC Public Reporting Site - https://caaspp-elpac.cde.ca.gov/
- This is the main reporting site for state testing results.
- Reports are available for English Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and English Language Proficiency.
- Test results can be filtered to show a wide range of student groups.
EdData - http://www.ed-data.org/
- EdData is a public reporting site featuring a lot of information around the financial and business side of school districts.
- This site reports financial data, enrollment counts, attendance rates, school funding, and other information on a variety of topics.
- Many reports can be filtered to show information about specific student groups.
PSUSD Volunteer Form
THANK YOU for choosing to serve the students of Palm Springs Unified School District. Volunteers play a very important role in providing enrichment opportunities and extra attention that enhances the educational experience of our students. Your support is invaluable.To learn more click here.
Academic Resources
Distance Learning Resources
This site provides teachers and parents with technology support. Check out the different video tutorials. Click Here
ESL Resources
ESL Cyber Listening Lab
English Interactive
Activities for ESL Kids
ESL- Kids
Interesting Things for ESL Students
DUO Lingo
Side by Side Extra
U.S.A. Learns
Riverside County Public Library
Rancho Mirage Public Library Mango Languages
Palm Springs Public Library Research & Learning
New York Public Library
Aprenda Ingles
Snappy Words
RCOE offers free access to this interactive, early literacy program: Footsteps2Brilliance. Footsteps2Brilliance, Inc. is the breakthrough early learning platform that accelerates early literacy achievement by uniting the power of mobile gaming technology with the latest in cognitive research. Footsteps2Brilliance provides enticing, interactive, 24/7 learning experiences that digitally link school and home to give students the edge they need for success in school today and the world tomorrow. Log in here.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy is a great way for your child to get help with what they're learning in school or to learn something completely new. Click here to learn more.
Math- Bridges
Grades PK- 5 Unit Overview Handouts
These useful guides are full of math activities for families that are aligned with what students are learning in class. Both English and Spanish handouts are available for grades PK-5.
Parents' Guide to Student Success
The Parents’ Guides to Student Success were developed by teachers, parents and education experts.
Created for grades K-8 and high school English, language arts/literacy and mathematics, the guides provide clear, consistent expectations for what students should be learning at each grade in order to be prepared for college and career. Click here to learn more.
PSUSD English Learner Programs
The office of English Learner Programs is responsible for updating the English Learner Master Plan, analyzing English Learner data, managing redesignation of English Learner students, maintaining DELAC meetings, minutes, and agendas, as well as providing professional development to improve instructional practices for all teachers of English Learners.
State Assessment Parent Guides
State tests are an objective way of showing how well students met the expectations of the grade level. They are only one of many measures and aren’t meant to tell the whole story of a student’s performance. They should be combined with other information, such as report card grades, classwork and teacher observations to give families a more complete picture of their child’s academic performance. Click here to learn more.
Understanding the CAASP
Next Generation Science Standards
Improving science learning by implementing new standards requires substantial instructional shifts, and states and districts should make ongoing plans to communicate those shifts and what they mean for students, teachers, and classrooms to the surrounding community.
Why the Common Core State Standards in California?
Videos and Web sites explaining California’s commitment to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
Common Core Shifts in ELA and Mathematics
There are twelve shifts that the Common Core requires of us if we are to be truly aligned with it in terms of curricular materials and classroom instruction. There are six shifts in Mathematics and six shifts in ELA/ Literacy.
Common questions and answers to help California educators communicate about the Smarter Balanced Assessment System with students, parents, the media, local school boards, and the general public.
Parent Guide: grades 3, 4, 5
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress: Overview and Sample Questions
Parent Guide Grades 6, 7, 8
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress: Overview and Sample Questions
Parent Guide: Grade 11
California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress: Overview and Sample Questions
Video Tutorials for Parents
Social- Emotional Wellness Resources
Bullying- Tips for Parents
Recent incidents of school violence demonstrate that bullying can have tragic consequences for individuals, families, schools and entire communities. Bullying is painful, lasting and related to low self-esteem, suicidal thoughts, anger, and other mental and physical health problems. Because of the increased risk of suicide associated with bullying--for victims and perpetrators alike--open dialogue and support are crucial in ensuring safety for our children and teenagers. Click here to learn more.
Developing Grit
Having grit is the quality or personal attribute that can help someone get through life’s tough or unexpected situations. Grit helps us to adapt with the changes life brings, to learn, and grow from them, rather than to stay stagnant or fall backwards. Some other words commonly associated with grit are tenacity, resiliency, and adaptability. The good news is that we are all capable of having grit and grit can be developed!
Developing Strengths and Talents
Palm Springs Unified School District’s motto is “Life Long Learning Starts Here.” We believe that every person can and should pursue their passions in order to develop their strengths and talents. Identifying our talents (natural skill) and developing our strengths (ability to consistently perform on a specific activity) to mastery involves hard work and dedication. Focusing on our strengths and the strengths of others results in genuine enjoyment as we commit to producing our best work.
Emotional Wellness Toolkit
How you feel can affect your ability to carry out everyday activities, your relationships, and your overall mental health. How you react to your experiences and feelings can change over time. Emotional wellness is the ability to successfully handle life’s stresses and adapt to change and difficult times. Flip each card below for checklists on how to improve your health in each area. Click on the images to read articles about each topic. You can also print the checklists separately or all together to share with others or as a reminder to yourself. Click here to learn more.
Growth Mindset
Transforming Education Parents Resources
Given the groundswell of interest in social-emotional learning in recent years, we know that parents are eager to learn more about MESH and its developing role in our schools. We provide resources for parents in order to raise awareness about the importance of MESH, and we translate key research findings to further parents’ understanding of this quickly evolving field.
Growth Mindset Kit for Parents
Developed in collaboration with Raise The Bar. Parents learn what a growth mindset is, why it’s important, and best practices to support their children in developing this learning belief.
How to Help Teens Set Goals
Goal setting for teens can be daunting: teens have big ideas and big dreams, but don’t yet have the experience of breaking down and organizing a goal into steps. Goals like “Get an A-plus in all of my classes” or “Save enough money for a car” can end in disappointment or abandonment. This article includes free printables.
Growth Mindset and Goal Setting
In the last newsletter, we focused on grit which is a quality that aids in getting through life’s many challenges and a skill that can be developed over time. People with grit tend to have a growth mindset- a way of thinking that is positive, encourages self-awareness, and is goal oriented. Growth mindset is a frequently used term within the school community because of its importance in developing the mind. We want to encourage parents and families to use a growth mindset on a daily basis, in everything that we do.
Internet Safety
Every child deserves a safe, stable and nurturing community which includes home and school environments. April is National Child Abuse Prevention Month - a time when communities focus on becoming more aware of the types and signs of child abuse and how to prevent it. Sadly, children can become vulnerable to abuse and exploitation while online without ever meeting their abusers. This is why addressing internet safety is very important to prevent child abuse and is critical during this time when schools are closed and using remote learning systems.
PSUSD Mental Health Department
The Mental Health program of PSUSD seeks to provide competent and compassionate mental health services to children and their families significantly affected by mental health challenges. Clinicians are sent throughout the District visiting with students and families in an effort to help these students rebound from mental health issues that would otherwise affect their ability to function optimally at school, home, and in the community. Visit their site by clicking here.
RCOE Virtual Wellness Center
The RCOE Wellness Center is a place for students, staff, and families, to find resources and tools in order to practice strategies for coping during challenging times. Click here for more.
Relationships and Communication
In this time of COVID 19, we are challenged with our usual ability to connect with others and continue in the rituals of building and sustaining strong relationships with others. We can no longer engage in the normal rituals that we took for granted just two months ago, including hugs, kisses, pats on the back, and high fives. We are having to learn new ways to connect with people in our lives. At times, this brings a host of other issues including feelings of isolation, grief and loss for an old sense of normalcy, and possibly a host of other mental health symptoms. But as humans we are resilient, and have found other ways to connect and continue to maintain our relationships with others, such as zoom, skype, and old fashioned letters or cards. This week, we plan to intentionally work on relationships and communication with people you love including your parents, children, teachers and other loved ones.
Rocket Rules
Entertaining and instructional. Rocket shares important life-saving tips for the whole family. Click here to learn more.
Self Awareness and Big Emotions
Everyone experiences big emotions such as: anger, worry and sadness. These emotions can be confusing and sometimes overwhelming. To better manage these emotions so that they do not lead to a poor self-concept, disruption in relationships, or a breakdown in our health and well-being; it is essential that we become aware of our emotions, monitor their impact on our thoughts & behaviors, and learn appropriate ways to positively express and handle these emotions. According to the Centers for Disease Control, 1 in 5 Americans will suffer from a debilitating mental illness in a given year (www.cdc.gov/mentalhealth).
Self-Care and Mental Wellness
"Have you ever felt that taking care of yourself comes last? Many parents feel guilty when making time to take care of themselves because they think they should prioritize their family, job, and everything else before taking time for themselves. By the time everyone is fed, teeth are brushed, homework is done, bills are paid, and dishes are done, you may feel that you don’t have much energy left for taking care of yourself. You are not alone in feeling this way. This guide can help you find ways to take care of yourself and be less stressed."
Social Media Parent Tips
Start with the Relationship
The purpose of this Parent’s Guide is to help you increase resilience in yourself as well as in your children. The definition of resilience and the skills and attributes for developing it will become clear in future chapters. We know you’re busy. Raising a family is no easy task. So we’ve organized the chapters to make them easier to read – even skim if you need to. Click here to learn more.
Behavior Support Resources
Complete Guide to managing behavior Problems
A resource from the Child Mind Insitutite in Spanish and English. Click here to learn more.
First 5
What you need to know to help your child grow up healthy and thrive. Click here to learn more.
Positive Guidance: A Guide for Parents
"Our Caring Matters curriculum provides teachers with a wealth of information on positive guidance and social-emotional development. In this short guide, you’ll learn more about positive guidance at Bright Horizons. You’ll also learn new ideas to use at home." Click here for more.
PSUSD Behavior Support Team
Palm Springs Unified School District's Behavior Support Team is comprised of a Board Certified Behavior Analyst, Behavior Interventionist, a School Social Worker, Teacher on Special Assignment and three Paraprofessionals. Click here to learn more.
Understanding Behavior: A Guide for Parents
Attendance Support Resources
Attendance Works
Click here for parent resources on building the habit of good attendance.
PSUSD Attendance
#YouCountDontMissOut. Click here to learn more.