Welcome to our Educational Services Page!
Our Role
Educational Services is working to ensure that all students have access to rigorous, engaging curriculum and instruction. We provide programs and support so that all students, staff and families develop the skills and strategies necessary for their success. Educational Services programs focus on making sure that all students are supported to reach high academic levels and to achieve their personal goals. We develop curriculum, instructional programs and professional development to make sure that all students are engaged in their education with well-rounded educational experiences. Schools utilize technology, creative projects, the arts and other innovative educational experiences to engage all students. We accomplish this by focusing on four areas:
- Improved Outcomes for Students in Core Content
- College and Career Readiness for all Students
- Closing the Achievement and Access Gap
- Developing 21st Century Learners with Innovative Instructional Experiences
The Department is divided into two sections:
- Student Learning
- Student Support Services