• Events and Opportunities

    Mark your calendars for the 2024-2025 School Year
    TK - 8th Grade PSUSD students (no Pre-K students)

  • Non-Instructional Day Programs

    Program available at select school sites with Think Together staff
    Program available from 9AM to 6PM.

    October 14th
    November 25th
    November 26th
    November 27th

  • little boy on gym bar

  • child in waterplay

  • Camps

    Program available at select school sites.
    AM Program 8-1 with district staff
    PM Program 1-6 with Think Together staff

    January 6th-10th
    April 14th-18th
    June 10th-27th
    *No program June 19th

    June 30 - July 3rd
    *With Think Together staff only 8AM to 6PM

  • All flyers and registration will be done through ParentSquare. Download the appRegister using your email address or cell phone number the school site has on file. Contact your school if you are unable to get registered.