• California Youth Behavioral Health Initiative

  • CYBHI: What it is & Why it Matters

    This page provides important information about the California Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI) and how it benefits our students and families. CYBHI is a state-funded program designed to improve access to mental and behavioral health services for children and youth. Learn about the services available, eligibility requirements, how to access care, and how CYBHI supports parents and families. We encourage you to explore the FAQs below to learn more about this valuable resource.

  • Eligibility for Services

    This program will not change students’ eligibility to receive behavioral health services. Rather, the program will expand the availability of services by creating a new, sustainable method for providers to be reimbursed. Services delivered to students covered by Medi-Cal MCPs and Medi-Cal FFS, most commercial health plans, or disability insurers, with certain exceptions, are eligible to be reimbursed at the CYBHI fee schedule rate.

    Privacy and Consent

    Our school may ask for your student’s health insurance information. All health information will be securely stored and only shared in alignment with existing federal and state laws.


    There will be no cost to parents or caregivers for students who receive services eligible for reimbursement under the CYBHI fee schedule program (i.e., no co-pays). Receiving services at school will not reduce or impact students or their family's ability to obtain care outside of school.

  • Children & Youth Behavioral Health Initiative

      Parent/Guardian FAQs

      • What is the California Youth Behavioral Health Initiative (CYBHI)?

      • Who is eligible for the services offered through CYBHI?

      • What types of services are included?

      • How can my child access these services?

      • What if my child already sees a mental health provider?

      • Is there a cost for these services?

      • How does CYBHI support parents and families?

      • How will my child’s privacy be protected?

      • What if I don’t know my child’s insurance information? How can I find it?

      • What if my child does not have insurance?

      • How is this initiative improving school-based mental health services?

      • Where can I learn more about CYBHI?

      Preguntas Frecuentes para Padres

      • ¿Qué es la Iniciativa de Salud del Comportamiento Juvenil de California (CYBHI)?

      • ¿Quién es elegible para los servicios ofrecidos a través de CYBHI?

      • ¿Qué tipos de servicios se incluyen?

      • ¿Cómo puede mi hijo/a acceder a estos servicios?

      • ¿Qué pasa si mi hijo/a ya recibe atención de un proveedor de salud mental?

      • ¿Tiene algún costo estos servicios?

      • ¿Cómo apoya CYBHI a los padres y las familias?

      • ¿Cómo se protegerá la privacidad de mi hijo/a?

      • ¿Qué hago si no sé la información del seguro de mi hijo/a? ¿Cómo puedo encontrarla?

      • ¿Qué hago si mi hijo/a no tiene seguro?

      • ¿Cómo está mejorando esta iniciativa los servicios de salud mental en las escuelas?

      • ¿Dónde puedo obtener más información sobre CYBHI?