School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA)
School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) is a written plan developed by the school community describing the school’s program and how resources will be used to meet the supplemental educational and related needs of participating students. California Educational Code (EC) Section 64001 requires that a School Site Council (SSC) develop the SPSA. The SSC must approve the plan, recommend it to the School Board for approval, monitor its implementation, and evaluate the effectiveness of the planned activities. Based on the SPSA evaluation and the comprehensive needs assessment, the SPSA must be updated to include any major changes.
The purpose of the SPSA is:
- To create a cycle of continuous improvement of student performance.
- Raise the academic performance for all students to the level of state achievement standards.
- Ensure that all students succeed in reaching academic standards set by the State Board of Education.
The SPSA must integrate the purposes and requirements of all categorical programs which the school utilizes.
For a hard copy of the SPSA, please see any school office.