Palm Springs Unified School District is a member of the Riverside County Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA). Our specialists are committed to meeting the needs of students with exceptional needs, their parents, and the staff members who work with students with disabilities.
The SELPA Procedural Handbook describes policies, procedures, and guidelines in place to ensure that students being referred for and/or enrolled in special education program services receive a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment
PSUSD implements Riverside County's SELPA policies and procedures which may be accessed here.
Alternative Dispute Resolution
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) is an informal process of settling concerns and/or disagreements related to the provision of special education services to students with special needs. The ADR process encourages all parties to collaboratively problem-solve to reach a mutually beneficial resolution without litigation.
The Riverside County SELPA offers the following options for resolution:
Facilitation of Collaborative IEPs
Utilization of an Intake Coordinator to work with each LEA to resolve the concern/disagreement