Frequently Asked Questions

    • Q. I'm new to the district. What should I know? (Classified)

    • Click HERE🔗 for Classified Employees


    • Q. When and how do I get paid?

      Payday is typically the last working day of each month for permanent positions and the 20th for substitute positions.

      Extra duty, overtime and substituting in a different position are paid according to the Modified Payroll Schedule. Overtime and extra duty are recorded on a white Hourly Time Report card. Substituting is recorded on a colored Substitute Payroll Card when substituting in a different position. These cards are to be submitted according to the timelines on the modified payroll schedule.

      Classified: Green
      Certificated: Blue, Pink

      Please click HERE🔗 to see the complete Payroll Schedule.

      All pay warrants (live checks) or pay stubs (if you have direct deposit) will be mailed out to your home for both regular and substitute employees.

    • Q. How can I set up direct deposit?

      Please download Payroll Direct Deposit Form from HERE🔗 and bring it with a supporting document (voided check or direct deposit enrollment form from your bank) to the Payroll Office in person. Up to 5 accounts can be set up.

       * We are NOT accepting digital submissions of the form for security reasons.

      Voided check or Direct Deposit Authorization Form

      If you are just changing the amount of disbursement to one of the accounts, you can simply email your payroll person with the last 4 digits of the account.


      Q. I lost my paystub. How can I request one?

      Please contact Veronica Jimenez🔗 (760) 883-2710 ext. 4806073 for assistance. Please allow up to 48hrs of waiting time as we are encountering a high volume of requests daily.


    • Q. How many hours of sick leave do I have?

      You can find the balance of available sick leave at the right corner of your paystubs. The balance is usually a month behind due to the timing of the attendance report we receive from sites.

      Sick Leave Balance on Paystub

    • Q. How do I change my address or name?

      To change your address, phone number or emergency contact, you can fill out Change of Personal Info v1🔗

      To change your name, please bring your new Social Security Card with the new name to the Payroll Office in person. You will need to fill out a new W4 and DE4 (Federal Tax Withholding Form and State Tax Withholding Form). You can find these files in the Payroll Forms 🔗page.

    • Q. How do I update tax information? (W4, DE4)

      Download the tax withholding forms from HERE🔗 and send the original forms with wet signatures to the Payroll Office.

      For tax advice, please consult with your tax professional as we are not permitted to give any.

    • Q. How does Personal Necessity (PN) work?

      An employee is allowed to take up to 7 days of Personal Necessity each school year and the time used is deducted from your sick leave balance. Once you go beyond the seven days or exhaust sick leave, your daily rate will be deducted from the following month.


      Q. How can I set up 403(b) or 457(b) plan?

      First, establish an account with one of the approved vendor of your choice (see the list🔗), then submit a Salary Reduction Agreement to Schools First Federal Credit Union. (Forms🔗) You can modify the contribution amount via Plan VUE🔗.


    • Q. Can I cash out my unused sick leave when I resign?

      Unfortunately, no. CalPERS and CalSTRS prohibit districts from paying out unused sick leave. But it can be transferred to another school district in California within 1 year from your resignation. Please contact Human Resources for details.


    • Q. Where can I get more information about my retirement plan?