Office Hours
7:30 am to 4:00 pm daily (walk-ins welcome)
*Employee reimbursements are processed by AP staff based on the first letter of the employee's first name
Staff Resources
Staff FAQ's
Who initiates the K12 Accounts Payable forms; is it the site or A/P?
How do I get reimbursement for my travel expenses?
How do I know if a check has been cashed?
Galaxy - View Purchase Order under Payment History Tab and Warrant Status column should show “P”. For Direct Payments, K12 forms, reimbursements, contact A/P.
Who should I contact for a status update on a payment?
Please note, for individuals, vendors are alphabetical by first name.
- A-F and numbers klambert@psusd.us
- G-O mvalentin@psusd.us
- P-Z troy@psusd.us
Why do I have to include sales tax on the Purchase Order when the vendor is not charging tax?
The District is not tax-exempt. We are required by law to pay the applicable sales tax. If the item you purchased is taxable and the vendor does not charge sales tax, then the District is obligated to pay the applicable sales tax to the California State Board of Equalization. Please refer to the California City and County Sales and Tax Rates for the applicable tax rate for your current location at http://www.boe.ca.gov
What are the deadlines for Year End?
Vendor FAQ's
How can I become a District vendor?
Please visit our Purchasing department’s vendor portal: https://www.psusd.us/Page/8648
Where do I submit my invoice?
All invoices can be emailed to the accounts payable staff as follows. Please note, for individuals, vendors are alphabetical by first name.
- A-F and numbers klambert@psusd.us
- G-O mvalentin@psusd.us
- P-Z troy@psusd.us
- Utilities pcampos@psusd.us
How do I sign up for, or change, my ACH direct deposit?
ACH services are provided through a third-party vendor, FIS Integrated Payables. Vendors doing business with PSUSD must register an account with FIS in order to receive ACH deposits. Each vendor has a unique registration code that must be provided by PSUSD Fiscal Services.
*To sign up for direct deposit please send a request email to lnichols@psusd.us
How frequently are checks issued?
RCOE prints and mails out checks on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays for all claims submitted and approved for the day(s) prior. If Monday is a holiday, all pending checks will be printed Tuesday.
Example: Claims submitted on Monday will print on Tuesday. Claims submitted on Thursday or Friday will print on Monday.