• Accounts Payable Banner

  • Office Hours

    7:30 am to 4:00 pm daily (walk-ins welcome)

    *Employee reimbursements are processed by AP staff based on the first letter of the employee's first name


  • Keiry Lambert

    (A-F, Numbers/Symbols)


    (760) 883-2710 ext. 480-6060 


Staff Resources

Staff FAQ's

  • Who initiates the K12 Accounts Payable forms; is it the site or A/P?

  • How do I get reimbursement for my travel expenses?

  • How do I know if a check has been cashed?

  • Who should I contact for a status update on a payment?

  • Why do I have to include sales tax on the Purchase Order when the vendor is not charging tax?

  • What are the deadlines for Year End?

Vendor FAQ's

  • How can I become a District vendor?

  • Where do I submit my invoice?

  • How do I sign up for, or change, my ACH direct deposit?

  • How frequently are checks issued?